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  • (just now)Msg sent and unread by recipient Right? I am nuts?
    wow --- I think you are full of nutty dim wits.
  • (2 mins ago) Unread move on man dam, im glad imnot hooking up with you your nuts
  • (3 mins ago) I was only trying to commit to following your "lead" mentioned in your profile, in this way.
    Sorry for disturbing your silence of your day.
  • (4 mins ago) You say "No games" in your profile.

    Well, this might say to you -- I am no game player !
  • (12 mins ago) This is POSTED at "The Secret of Conversation Flow" @ ImproveYourSocialSkills

    Invitation And Inspiration

    Obviously, invitations are really useful. They can protect your conversations from grinding to a halt, and they are a powerful tool for building intimacy and rapport with your conversation partner.

    However, as handy as invitations are, you can't build an entire conversation out of them. If the entire conversation consists of explicit invitations, it will feel awkward---like an interview instead of a conversation. Natural-feeling conversation flows from one speaker to the next, sometimes with explicit invitations, but often not.

    Fortunately, you don't need to rely on invitations. In our next lesson, I'll show you how you can use inspiration to keep conversation flowing smoothly and feeling natural.

    When conversations flow smoothly, people feel comfortable sharing even without an invitation. They'll chime in whenever they have something they want to share and feel encouraged to share it.

    This means that in order to create conversational flow, you should:

    Make your partner comfortable
    Inspire your partner to want to share

    Making your partner comfortable is pretty straightforward. Be friendly, pay attention to their body language, and give good invitations so they know you really want to know them better.

    But what do I mean by inspiring your partner?

    Well, picture two artists taking turns while painting together. The first artist might tell the second artist, "Hey, why don't you put some blue here?" and the second artist might respond with "Ok, then you should put some yellow over there."

    That's an invitation, and you can certainly make a painting (or a conversation!) using nothing but invitations.

    But there's a better way.
  • (15 mins ago) [ This is POSTED ON MY WALL] :

    Quality Over Quantity:

    A stated "Intention" says you are going to follow through into a motion.
    "Following through" into a motion says there Is a recognition In the change of your mind from intention thus brings a new action.

    The rules Here:
    [1] All are equal here.
    [2] If you are stuck at intention at any time to follovi through into action
    and motion, Please restate that intention is not true. Do not waste the time of others in this space waiting and reading you..

    They must see, or recognize, your intentions are moving to action. Others may state you're not following through at anytime it is apparent.

    But for sure when you know there will never be an action from your stated intention(s). please leave at the time when either you know you do not belong here in this space or you're hidden agenda(s) are called out upon you. That is peaceful and respectful.

    Do not argue one more cycle of waste time stated Intentions. It may be silent to you, but it is not a peaceful way of being with others. Do not return here until you can be honest and free flowing with no hidden agendas. Thank you.
  • (17 mins ago) As each persons passes into a perspective, I don't know you -- and you don't know me. But then again, you don't know that other person either. So, if you remain silent to your intent and need, I can move into any kind of mind frame reference with you, because you have not stated any position on the matter. But then when you do, it is of frustration not desire of understanding. I am trying to me the BEST at WHAT CAN BE DONE -- if that PERSON NEEDED that level of structure. Because SOME PEOPLE DO.

    I don't know if that would have been you in this moment. Because we are not all the same, we should ALLOW OURSELVES TO DISCUSS our motivations to fuck.

    But 8pm --- you will forget what you said.... because you have committed it to real world outside of this space. that of course is a jaded opinion of you, based upon common time after time experiences here.

  • (22 mins ago) not that serious man im just fucking you, but im good thanks
  • (24 mins ago) after 8pm then. I was just comparing my experince with calendars -- so that I would tell you that I will place your 8pm into my calendar -- if you like to .
  • (25 mins ago) bro never mind this way to much.

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